What you think, you become
The foremost thing you must know is that your thoughts are very powerful, what you think, you become. If you think yourself as a rich person frequently, then one day you become rich. If you look into the lives of successful businessmen a majority of them were thinking it big in their early days, even when they were struggling to meet both ends. These people dreamt, about money, and success constantly visualized being amid heaps of money. This doesn't mean they were day dreaming, they were looking at all possible ways to earn money, they never let an opportunity slip through their hands. They took miscellaneous jobs, started earning money, and practiced the habit of saving it. Think big and you will become big, but be warned everyone's idea of big is different.
Practice the habit of living within your means
This is a vital aspect which many successful people, adopt. They lived within their means and ensured that they saved a sizable portion of their hard-earned money. Although credit cards are nice to have you still end up paying back more than you needed to. So if there is something you want and you don't have the money for it. SAVE!
Save at least 10 % of your earnings
Many rich people follow the strategy of saving at least 10% of their income. Just like the brushing their teeth, taking food, they considered savings as a habit.
Poor people do not think
The reason why poor people remain as poor as is they are content and accept things that come in their life. Though contentment is a good virtue, it will not work if you wish to become rich. Accumulating wealth is nothing but a conviction which you must make in your subconscious mind. If you are able to convince your subconscious mind, to think as a rich person, then you become wealthy in a short span of time. It may sound somewhat absurd. However, if you are able to encourage yourself that you are rich, then you are part of the winning game.
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